
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Look Around Ft Stevens State Park

The Fort Stevens Military Reservation guarded the mouth of the Columbia River from the Civil War through World War II.

This is the largest state park campground in Oregon, with over 500 sites.

Our site..You can see, lots of trees, which means no satellite and lots of mosquitoes!

Ft Stevens State Park Campground 001

The hull of a  shipwreck on the beach.. The Wreck of the” Peter Iredale”…

Ft Stevens State Park 001 

Coffenbury Lake…Ft Stevens State Park 017

Some folks just chillin…

Ft Stevens State Park 015

And others taking a dip…

Ft Stevens State Park 016

We then explored the fort…

Ft Stevens State Park 020

Ft Stevens State Park 024


Ft Stevens State Park 029

Ft Stevens State Park 026   Ft Stevens State Park 023    

There was alot to see, they also offer a truck tour….

Ft Stevens State Park 042

But we were getting hungry, so we headed to downtown Astoria and had fish & chips at the….

Ft Stevens State Park 035 Just a little boat in the middle of a parking lot across from the Maritime Museum. I have read rave reviews on trip advisor.  Their fish is actually tuna, which I wasn’t sure about, but it was really good. I still think I prefer halibut though.

On our way back we stopped along the river…

Ft Stevens State Park 038

And chatted with another couple and watched this big freighter go by…

Ft Stevens State Park 046


Tomorrow we hook up and head up the road and over the bridge to Long Beach, Wa…


Gypsy said...

It looks like a very nice location, but the mosquitos could offset the beauty somewhat.

Tumbleweed Dee said...

We're putting this one on the list when we get out that way.

Sue and Doug said...

Fort Stevens is a great state park..we wish you safe travels as you head to Long Beach!!