We decided to lay low today. I did a few things around the home front and then went grocery shopping.
Tonight was our soup night with the group. We had 4 crockpots of soup. Because of the cool temps outside, we had it at the clubhouse. Not only did we have plenty of soup, but wonderful bread and lots of desserts. After dinner we broke into 4 tables for Hand and Foot. Hate to report that the guys won again 3 tables to 1… hoo!!
Another low key day. Kevin and I went to a local mall, but not for long. When we got back we ate leftovers. Just as we finished the gang decided to head to Lunkers for dinner. As much as we would have liked to, we declined. When they returned we all headed for the clubhouse for Hand & Foot. Dortha came knocking on the door and begged Kevin to play. He said no at first but then caved. Keith and Donna coupled with us and were excellent teachers. Once again, the guys won!
Monday Labor Day
Not much doing during the day here. We just hung around and chilled out until 4pm Happy Hour…. Then we all had a great barbecue. Again, alot of food. After dinner we headed to the clubhouse for cards. Kevin and Mac against Netters and I. Hate to say it but the guys beat us bad…
We all met for breakfast at the pancake house up the street at 9:30. Then everyone headed in different directions. Some to Shipshewana, some to the dunes and casino and us to the casino. We didnt last long. Both of us lost pretty quick. I’m playing with the money I won last time, so not bad..It sure is more fun when you win though, lol…. While we were out we got a call from Heartland, that we have to have our 5er to them at 9:30 tomorrow morning. Ugh, have to pack up everything tonight. I did take a walk up to the game room and played some Hand & Foot. Finally the girls won at my table!
Kevin and I had to be up and at em, early. We had a 9:30 appointment at the Heartland factory for our repairs. So we packed up the inside, hitched up and were on our way. After checking in at customer service we were lead over to the plant. We actually had the plant manager, plant supervisor and line supervisor working on our 5er. It took them no time at all to locate a pin hole leak in the refrig tubing, reseal and caulk the bedroom slide and fix a broken drawer under our sofabed. We got great service and will have our fingers crossed that all repairs are now complete!
After bringing our home back to the RV park we headed to Flair, to bring our air mattress that is leaking in for inspection. We lucked out there, as they gave us a brand new one. We stopped for a sandwich before going back to the park.
Today is our last day at this campground in Elkhart. Tomorrow we head to Goshen about 12 miles from here. Today we had to organize our drive over to the fairgrounds. There are two groups, four couples (us) with full hookups and we are A1, the rest of the gang has partial hook ups and will be in A2. We were told to somehow identify our group with ribbon and cards for the windshield so this is what we did..
Lynette is measuring the ribbon…
Dortha tying the ribbon on her RV…
Now getting the green cards for the windshield…
We had some newcomers join us…
Cindy and Ken
Darryl (Pa) and Judy
After we got all that taken care of Kathy, Chuck, Barb, Bob, Kevin and I, all headed to Lunkers for dinner.
It is quite unique
We found Rich and Mary there..

Kevins plat of lasagna was huge…
Kathy had the all you can eat frog legs… ewwww
When we got back a few headed to play cards and the rest of us back to our homes to start getting things together for tomorrow’s move.
We also had two more couples join us tonight. Jenny and Don and Paul and Penny, both are RV Dreamers.
Our next adventure will be from the Escapees Rally in Goshen.. Stay tuned for more fun!!