
Sunday, March 29, 2009

Back To Normal

These last few weeks have been the typical so not much to report. We have been babysitting off and on and I have been working off and on.
Work has been interesting these last few weeks. They are remodeling our kitchen and dining room and have moved us outside until it is finished. We have a big gas grill to cook hamburger and hot dogs on. They also moved our big refrigerators, coolers and freezers out there with us. Most people are understanding that we cannot offer them our full menu but there are always those few.... On nice days we just love being out there in such a pretty setting overlooking the golf course, however on cool days it is a challenge. Yesterday we were dressed as if we were going sledding, hats, gloves, triple layers, brrrr. We hope to move back in, sometime this week. We have a tournament on Wednesday and have to prepare box lunches and then dinner for them.
My highlight of the week was making reservations for next March in Rockport, Tx. Several of us chatters have decided to gather once again. From what we understand, you must make reservations this far ahead due to all the snowbirds that flock to the area. Nice to have something to look forward to although it is so far off. And of course everything is set in jello.
On facebook, a few of us chatters have now entered into Yoville.. Let me just say I am not a game player, so this is not easy for me. I am giving it a try but we will see. Of course I discovered there is a casino and have already lost some of my paycheck in there. Good thing it is not for real. I have backed off playing bejeweled against them as I just get too stressed.. I could feel my blood pressure on the rise. I would rather read a book than play games. That is more relaxing for me. Kevin has been after me to learn to play golf and I always say, someday.. I can play for nothing but havent taken it up yet. Thats just me.
I have also been concerned this week for two friends that have medical problems arise. I have been praying for these dear friends, one just out of the hospital in Florida and one dreamer friend. Please keep them in your prayers.


Gypsy said...

Leno, you sound like me with your dislike of games. I am not competitive, preferring win-win situations, so I just don't like going against anyone but myself. I won't even get drawn into it any more. Hang in there, I'm sure there are more of us somewhere, lol.

LakeConroePenny,TX said...

I wouldn't have time to play games. I am often saying I wish there were two of me, and two of Ray, my helper, to get everything done.
I would rather be working on something constructive, or instructive, than playing games anyway.
So now we are three, Arlene and Gypsy!
Happy Trails, Penny,TX