
Thursday, September 3, 2009


Well the last week has been a busy one for me. Besides the usual working and babysitting we have been actively looking at 5th wheels to purchase. Our search has been narrowed to the Heartland product. I have researched quite a bit and it seems for the most part people are happy with the company. Sooo, our eyes were first on the Big Horn 3670. We went to Camping World in Katy and found one and liked it okay but then the salesman took us inside a 2009 Landmark Augusta and we really like it. We did get a good look at friends Lynette and Greg's while in Kerrville in March. It is beautiful. Pretty much the same setup as the Big Horn with just a few upgrades. Now there were several imperfections such as an inside molding missing over the slide, most of the doors and drawers were off line and a crack on a molding outside over the tire. They assured us it is normal and would be fixed before us taking possesion. So into the office we go. They do have a way of confusing me. They never would come out and tell us what they were giving us for our trade. Anyway to make a long story short we told them if we could get financing we would buy. They tried for 3 days to get us a loan thru one of the three banks left that will finance and we were denied. We don't have a big enough income for them. We felt it all happened for a reason. Next step back to surfing the internet for a Big Horn and yes, now an Augusta. I found a Big Horn in Virginia and Tn. that has sparked my attention. I have spoken to both and they are on our short list. But before commiting to them we found a Landmark Augusta in Oklahoma, just over the Tx line. We took off Tuesday night with an appt with the dealer for early Wednesday morning. We loved the unit and really liked the dealership. We tried to get them to come down on the price but they couldnt. Now we have a decision to make. Do we put out the extra money for the Augusta or go back to the Big Horn probably in Tn. The Tn location would be a long trip and they won't trade. We would have to sell the tt ourselves. That to me is a hassle. Another possibility is to put it on consignment. We have a dealer up the street that would like that. Of course we would then have to keep up with the payment on the tt and also carry insurance on both. Such big decisions! We will post when we know which route we take.
Also, while in Oklahoma we just had to find time for some casino action. Of course we left our donation with them.
For now I am off to have dinner with work friends. I am hoping for some rain over the weekend as I am scheduled to work 5 straight days..

1 comment:

Tumbleweed Dee said...

Decisions aren't easy. This is like a soap opera, wondering what's going to happen next. Good luck