
Thursday, November 15, 2012

What Have I Been Up To


It has been eight months since I lost Kevin…If I had been asked before it all happened, how I would go on, I would have said I wouldn’t. You really do go through many different stages, and at first I thought I would never go anywhere or do anything. Then reality sets in..You must go on..I didn’t think I would ever want to go on facebook again or my RV Dreams chatroom. It didn’t take me long to get back into it and now I don’t know what I would do without it..It is my connection to everyone. I don’t feel alone,there is always someone to chat with.

So this is what has kept me busy…

I have had an overnight trip to Dallas with my daughter Kim to see my niece from Ma play in a hockey tournament.

Let’s see..I have been to Florida to visit with old friends…..Myself Patti and Susan


And RV friends… Anna,myself, Bridget and John


Boston to see family (and a weekend trip to Maine with sister in laws)

Fanuel HallDSC_0052

My son Kevin and family


Cousins and sister in lawDSC_0002

Sister in laws in Maine



A weekend drive  to Lufkin, Tx to visit with more RV friends Donna & Keith at their beautiful home. Good friends Bob and Barb where there also. Forgot to take pictures.

Penny and I met and  had lunch with a new RV chatroom friend traveling through Houston. Trix was driving her new RV from Florida back to Washington. 



Had a visit (2 weeks) with close RV friends, Mac and Nette. They helped me get settled and drove my RV to Houston to sell. We had time to visit with Penny.


And also a lunch with Nette, Molly and Donna.DSC_0008


Got to meet Debra and Rob at an RV park nearby…along with Penny



And a drive to Kemah, Tx to visit RVing friends Barb and Roger over a nice lunch. Sorry no pictures…


Vacation at Cape Cod and quality time with family



Bought a new to me car…


Friends Dee & Jim came through this area to visit. We had a great day out with Penny…IMG_0006 (800x600)

and a drive to Livingston and a meetup with Charlie & Peggy…


Took a neat Disney cruise with my daughter Kim and her family. We had a great time.



I am so lucky to have the friends and family that I do. My kids and grandkids are the highlight of my life. Thank you God for giving them all to me.

Kim has a 5 day trip to Amsterdam next week and I am going with her. We will be spending Thanksgiving there. I have never been, and look forward to exploring.

So, as you can see I have kept busy. Don’t get me wrong, it is hard, very hard. In fact, it actually gets harder as time goes on.  I miss Kevin every moment of every day. I talk to him frequently and I feel his presence with me all the time!!


Tumbleweed Dee said...

It's so great to see you blogging. You do so much in travels it will be worth it.

Elaine said...

Bless you...am glad to see you are staying busy...theres nothing like family and friends...hope we can get together again soon also...you are a strong woman...hugs

Brenda Brown said...

Thanks for posting Leno. I am so happy you are keeping so busy. I am sure you miss Kevin and I am just as sure he is still with you everyday.

Love you

Barb said...

Hi Arlene,
I don't know if my comment posted, so I will try again. So glad to hear you are keeping busy visiting with friends. We really enjoyed our visit with you and will have to do that again soon. Going to Amsterdam sounds great! Be sure and post lots of pictures. Happy Thanksgiving!

Barb and Roger

Jesse, Ginger, Bayer, Buddy, and Mr. B said...

I am glad you are getting on with your life. I cannot imagine how hard it must have been but good for you for making it through it all.